Career Pathways & Information for Students
Career Pathways
Right now, almost half of today’s jobs are set to be impacted by technology. 40% of Australia’s best paid jobs are in ICT – jobs of the future will all involve ICT skills. All industries have been impacted by technology and those workers with ICT skills will be best positioned for the jobs in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Start planning your tech career right here, right now!
- The ACS Foundation (tech careers, scholarships, graduate placements)
- The BiG Day In tech careers events
- Instructional tech videos and free online skills development courses
- The Digital Pulse – a tech careers report
- Access the Digital Professional Workforce Action Plan
- Complete a survey to discover your perfect digital career role
The ICT Careers Wheel for Students is a resource to assist Australian Secondary School students in identifying pathways for study and employment in the technology sector. There are several pathways into the roles within the tech sector, and by grouping job roles with TAFE and University qualifications, the wheel and map communicate the linkage from study to work.
Vocational Pathways
There are nationally recognised pathways for high school students, such as Australian School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, or for post-secondary school studies in Information Technology courses at TAFE Qld and other Registered Training Organisations that will help to prepare you for a role within the tech workforce.
Higher Education Pathways
The Queensland technology workforce is expected to grow by nearly 3%, equivalent to 13,000 new positions, over the next four years, however, research shows that at the end of 2017 just over 1,000 university graduates were successfully completing their ICT degrees at an Australian University.
ICT Roles of the Future

Industry Name 1
Vocational Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4
Higher Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4

Industry Name 2
Vocational Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4
Higher Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4

Industry Name 3
Vocational Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4
Higher Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4

Industry Name 4
Vocational Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4
Higher Education Pathway
- Career pathway option #1
- Career pathway option #2
- Career pathway option #3
- Career pathway option #4
The A – Z list of ways to jumpstart your tech career
Many tech professionals have followed their own learning pathway into a tech career. This means that they have learned on the job as technology advanced and kept their skills current through constantly learning in the workplace and by doing online courses.
Online learning can be done as part of a tertiary study course, through a paid platform, via open learning (free) courses or by playing in online sandboxes or testing environments.
You do not need to wait until you leave school to build your knowledge and skills with the technologies, platforms and coding languages used in the workplace. Try out these free and paid courses to suit your interests:
- Cisco Skills for All student courses
- Coursera
- Coursera: Introduction to Programming
- CSER Cyber Security and Awareness MOOC
- Grok Academy
- Grok Academy Cyber Security Courses
- Khan Academy
- LinkedIn Learning
- Microsoft MakeCode
- Microsoft’s Python tutorial
- MIT OpenCourse
- Palo Alto Networks Cyber A.C.E.S. curriculum
- Udemy
- Zenva Academy Free Courses