May 4 2022
Cyber Security Excursion
On Wednesday 4 May, the Nudgee Year 11 Digital Solutions class attended the University of Queensland and the Cyber CX Headquarters in Brisbane CBD to broaden their perspective on the diverse possibilities available through technology and understand the inevitability and relevance of CyberSafety pathways in the modern-day context.
Firstly, they visited the UQ Cyber Hub, a world-leading security hub - supported by state-of-the-art infrastructure - aimed to empower individuals, address global cyber security challenges, educate top leaders in the sector and prepare them for any future cyber attacks. Under the guidance of Professor Ryan Ko, we examined the Faraday cage, which simulates cyber security challenges through access to real-world data, case studies, and scenarios.
We saw firsthand different innovative techniques and strategies leading cyber professionals use to predict cybercrimes and detect vulnerabilities in an organisation's infrastructure and security. Additionally, we participated in wifi hacking demonstration activities, where we used these techniques to hack into a vulnerable web server, retrieve the admin's username and password and proceed through the server. This experience - insightful and engaging - opened our eyes to these attacks, which heightens due to the proliferation of technological advancements, where attackers find new, enticing ways to exploit a user's data through the infrastructure's vulnerabilities. Pleasingly, we examined UQ's information, software, and cyber technology pathways and how these courses can directly transition to job experience at leading corporations.
In the afternoon at Cyber CX - the leading provider of professional cyber security services across Australia and New Zealand - we learnt about the Career Graduate program, allowing young people to demonstrate their talents and gain invaluable job experience. We learnt that cyber security has never been more critical to building successful and resilient organisations as it allows them to prevent malicious attacks or threats from unauthorised agents.
Thank you to Prof. Dr Ryan Ko and Guangdong Bai from the UQ Cyber Hub and Gary McHugh and Quin Higginson from CyberCX for hosting Mrs Lamb and the Yer 11 students for this incredible experience and opportunity.