Knoei Future Skills Summit, 2024

On Tuesday the 21st of May, our very own GISP Project Manager Cynthia was a keynote speaker at the Knoei Future Skills Summit in QUT Kelvin Grove campus. During her guided session, Cynthia led students through an ideation about creating a new game. 

As part of the exercise students need to identify the game mechanics, revenue stream, user interface, skins and character designs and much more.  Students then presented their game idea to a Shark Tank style judging panel alongside their fellow teams, and the best ideas were invested in using play money.

“Considering the time the students had to create their Game Design Document, some of the ideas were worthy of further development”, Cynthia commented.

One of the core pillars of the Future Skills Summit is its immersive workshops, which cover a diverse range of topics spanning from artificial intelligence and robotics to sustainability and creative problem-solving. These hands-on sessions provide students with a unique opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technologies and explore innovative ideas in a supportive environment.

“Whether you’re an educator looking to bring a cohort of students or an individual student eager to explore the possibilities that lie ahead, the Future Skills Summit welcomes you.”, said Groei Project Director, Tara Jacobsen. 

Like the ICT GISP, the Future Skills Summit organisers acknowledge that one of the most valuable aspects of the summit is the opportunity for students to network with peers, industry professionals, educators, and potential mentors. Building these connections early on can be instrumental in shaping a student’s future trajectory and opening doors to exciting opportunities.